Article 13215

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Supikov Vadim Nikolaevich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of state administration
and regional sociology, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Morozova Olga Pavlovna, Candidate of sociological sciences,  associate professor, sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

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Background. Relevance of the article is determined by its scientific, theoretical and practical importance associated with the need to determine the direction of the evolution of the family institution in terms of the Penza region. The purpose of the article is to identify the institutional changes of the social institution of the family in the Penza region.
Materials and methods. This article was prepared on the basis of the questionnaire results carried out among young people in the Penza region within the project “Investigation of the effectiveness of implementation of the state family and demographic policy in the Penza region”, taking place in cities and districts of the region, as well as the expert survey among experts of structural divisions of the Government of the Penza region.
Results and conclusions. The transformation of the family institution in the region defined by personal limitations of family relationships that fill a type of family behavior with specific content. According to the research the author identified the key trends in the development of the social institution of the family in the conditions of the region: rejection of patriarchy; individualization of family members; persistence of a stereotype of few children in a family; increase of the value of the family as a small group in the minds of individuals. The modern family type, based on egalitarian  principles of family relations organization, prevails in the regional society and carries a complementary type of parenting.

Key words

 family, evolution of the family institution, reasons for divorce, type of parenting, family type.

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Дата создания: 10.10.2015 13:56
Дата обновления: 10.10.2015 15:26